Thursday, November 13, 2014

My Life Changing Story

For those of you that don't know me, I used to run a ranch in Riverton, Utah. I had always been pretty active growing up and even after I got married. In June 1993, I was diagnosed with Lyme's Disease which than affected and changed my life for a number of years to come. A year after the diagnoses I was rushed into a cornea specialist where I gave him my health history and I was than diagnosed with Keratitis and Bleptharitis. Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea, it is painful and if left untreated it can permanently damage or cause loss of vision. Bleptharitis is dry eyelids and not enough tears. My eye doctor put me on daily Doxycyvline, eye drops, eye sauves and heat packs. My vision was getting worse quickly, he informed me that cornea transplants are in my future. I am now getting cataracts but this all happened when I was 31 yrs old and as of now I am 52.

I than had some injuries on my ranch such as cadavier bones put in my neck from a large piece of equipment that almost killed me. I had broken bones, stitches and wrist surgery along the way. When I turned 43 I also had 3 cancer scares being ovarian and breast cancer but so far all have come back non cancerous or benign. 

In 2006, I was air bagged in a car wreck which is when I started suffering with migraines some of which lasted for days long. Because of the migraines, I went to a neurologist in June 2013 for some relief for some pain which is where I had 32 shots put into my skull. Right after that, I could barely get out of bed and pj's became my best friend. I was not able to work out or do much of anything for a couple of months while this was going on. The only way I could sleep was sitting up in a recliner because laying down would cause too much pressure in my face. 

After a couple months from the shots, I went in for a fasting blood draw and I requested them to draw for Lyme's Disease. My doctor took my blood pressure before the draw and it was 238/120 upon which they immediately sent me to the ER. At the ER, doctors could not lower my blood pressure fast enough so they put me into an induced coma which lasted about 6 hrs. When I woke up, I saw my husbands face which is a look of fear, stress and he was clearly upset. I didn't remember anything and I found out from my husband that they did an MRI of my brain while I was in a coma but they still could not find anything wrong to account for all the pain I was in. I was than sent home and  referred to see an autoimmune specialist. 

At the autoimmune specialist, it took 3.5 hours of testing and lab work. I was told that I did not have vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis or any autoimmune diseases but still nothing else showed up. 

I than went to an ear, nose and throat specialist where I got a CT scan of sinuses. It was than that they finally discovered that I had a broken, crooked septum from the car wreck in 2006. The doctors now thought the migraine shots that I had from 2013 had settled in the front of my face. They also had no idea if I would have long term consequences or just one day get better.

In June 2014, I went in and had my broken septum fixed. Now I'm doing so much better because I no longer take pain meds for the migraines. I'm also able to sleep 6-7 hours a night where before I was only getting 2-3 hours. I can also sleep on my back again, I can sleep any way now in a bed and not have to sit in a recliner just to get some sleep anymore.

I am still on 5 mg daily of high blood pressure meds. I also found out on the blood draw that my Lyme's Disease has been in remission because I was put on doxycyclin years ago from my eye doctor which I'm still taking. I also found out that my cholesterol was 404 which was pretty high and that's because I used to eat ice cream everyday lol.  But since than, this past September I had it rechecked and it's at 314 which is 90 points lower and I'm still working on it to go down even more. 

As of now....I feel really good and I feel like I have my life back. It's so amazing you don't know how much you'll miss something until you're not able to do it. I'm so thankful to be back at working out again and I feel so much better and I truly appreciate the little things. In life we take so much for granted until we go through a life changing experience. Because of everything I've been through, I am so thankful for the strengths it has brought me and I'm so thankful to be alive. Live each day to the fullest, love those around you and be grateful for life's experiences.